Page 14 - Мой проект1

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(2) indirect hypnosis, (3) therapist attention
control, or (4) standard treatment
controls. Hypnotic induction included ego
strengthening as well as analgesic suggestions
and varied according to the child’s age, interests,
and cognitive/social development. Patients
who underwent hypnosis reported less
anxiety and pain than control groups. Direct
and indirect forms of hypnosis were shown to
be equally effective, and level of hypnotizability
was significantly associated with treatment benefit
in the hypnosis groups. The use of selfhypnosis,
however, produced less therapeutic
benefit. Methodological limitations include
nonreporting of the method of randomization
and insufficient information on group equivalence
preintervention (sex, cancer stage).
Liossi and Hatira
reported a three-armed
RCT that evaluated the effect of hypnosis (relaxation
and imagery, PMR, abbreviated autogenic
training, analgesic suggestions) vs.
cognitive behavioral training (progressive relaxation,
autogenic training, breathing exercises,
cognitive restructuring, and positive
affirmations) and standard care controls in 30
pediatric patients undergoing BMA. Patients
who received either hypnosis or cognitive behavioral
therapy (CBT) reported less pain and
pain-related anxiety than either controls or