Page 11 - Мой проект1

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a specific intervention (including that directed
by self and the therapist).
Types of outcome measures
. Patient- and/or observer-
reported clinical measures of physical
pain or physical pain and anxiety/distress were
Excluded Studies
The studies that were excluded are shown in
Table 1
Data Collection and Analysis
All relevant studies were appraised, and
their methodological quality was assessed.
Two researchers independently extracted relevant
information using a standardized data extraction
and critical appraisal form (DECA
form). Differences were resolved by discussion
and, if necessary, a third reviewer was involved.
Where required, the advice of a statistician was
sought. The DECA form was based primarily
on a template published by the Centre for Reviews
and Dissemination,
following development
and testing by two researchers. The
appraisal criteria included details of selection
of participants, randomization and blinding,
use of intention-to-treat analysis and loss to
follow-up, and compliance with treatment.
Clinical Commentaries
A clinician with relevant training and experience