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Systematic searches of major biomedical,
nursing care and specialized and complementary
Alternative Medicine (CAM) databasesdMEDLINE,
PsycINFO, and Cochrane Librarydwere that
out. A search of resources including specialized
Cochrane Complementary Field
Register and other registers team Cochrane.
Search strategies were developed to accommodate
the different approaches used indexing
from databases.31
Search Terms
Terms of cancer were based mainly on
those used by the Cochrane Cancer Network.
The main search terms used are:
neoplasms (exp) or neoplas * or tumor *
or ** or melanoma tumor or cancer *
or malignan ** or leukemia or leukemia *
or carcin * or * metastas or sarcoma *
or antineoplastic agents (exp) or chemotherapy
or palliative care (exp) or palliative
therapy (exp) or palliative treatment
(Exp) or terminal care (exp) and hypnosis
hypnosis (exp) or hypnotiz * or
* Hypnotis or hypnotherapy or hypnotic
or hypnotisability or hypnotic susceptibility
or hypnotic-susceptibility
(Exp) or suggestability (exp) or placebo effect
or autosuggestion (exp) or suggestion
(Exp) or autohypnosis (exp) or
self-hypnosis or posthypnotic or posthypnotic
proposals or suggestions posthypnotic-
(Exp) or spontaneous or autogenictraining
Efforts to identify unpublished
and ongoing research using appropriate databases
such as the National Research Council Register
(United Kingdom) and clinical
(United States), contacting experts
field. Reference lists of relevant articles
revised to identify further studies.
72 Richardson et al. Vol. No. 31 January 1, 2006
Possible research articles were identified for recovery
and considering the categorization of a preliminary 'study type'
according to flow diagram of the system