Page 9 - Мой проект1

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by the databases.
Search Terms
Terms for cancer were based primarily on
those used by the Cochrane Cancer Network.
The basic search terms used are as follows:
neoplasms (exp) or neoplas* or tumor*
or tumour* or melanoma* or cancer*
or malignan* or leukemia* or leukaemia*
or carcin* or metastas* or sarcoma*
or antineoplastic agents (exp) or chemotherapy
or palliative care (exp) or palliative
treatment (exp) or palliative therapy
(exp) or terminal care (exp) and hypnosis
or hypnosis (exp) or hypnotiz* or
hypnotis* or hypnotherapy or hypnotizability
or hypnotisability or hypnotic susceptibility
or hypnotic-susceptibility
(exp) or suggestability (exp) or autosuggestion
or autosuggestion (exp) or suggestion
(exp) or autohypnosis (exp) or
self-hypnosis or posthypnotic or posthypnotic
suggestions or posthypnotic-suggestions
(exp) or autogenic or autogenictraining
Efforts were made to identify unpublished
and ongoing research using relevant databases,
such as the National Research Register
(United Kingdom) and clinical
(United States), together with contacting experts