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self-mastery. Nevertheless, Liossi and Hatira
found that when pediatric patients switched
from therapist-directed to self-hypnosis, the
beneficial effects on pain and anxiety diminished.
Research into the use of self-hypnosis
as analgesia in invasive procedures in adults
has been conducted.
Further research is
required to evaluate the feasibility and effectiveness
of self-hypnosis in children (and adolescents)
of different ages and with different
baseline levels of distress throughout the cancer
treatment trajectory. The possibility of
a dose-response effect from home practice
with an audiotape requires further investigation.
Furthermore, studies evaluating selfhypnosis
might include ‘booster’ sessions to
check on technique and provide motivation
to continue to practice.
Hypnosis in Association with Standard Care
One key aspect that studies have not all reported
on is standard practice. It is not stated
in the papers what hypnosis may be replacing
or what interventions hypnosis is being used
alongside. Standard practice interventions for
cancer-related procedures vary, depending on
context and country. As mentioned in the introduction,
general anesthetic is recommended
as standard practice for pediatric
procedure-related cancer pain management