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access to formal psychological support
and techniques such as relaxation and visualization
should be available (paragraph 280) 0.6
Health professionals can play a vital role
the improvement of pediatric procedure-related pain
and anxiety by incorporating psychological interventions
along with standard treatment. However,
understanding of these interventions,
evidence for their effectiveness is needed to
determine the extent to which they can integrate
in clinical practice. Such evidence
can be found by a systematic review of
literature. For example, a Cochrane systematic
review of psychological interventions to
needle-related procedural pain and discomfort
children and adolescents are currently in progress.
7 Furthermore, there is a planned Cochrane
review the use of non-pharmacological interventions
for preparing children and adolescents
Psychological care.8 for hospital
interventions for procedure-related pain and
anxiety so firmly placed on the agenda
for both directions and practical research.
Hypnosis is one such intervention that has
have been proposed for use in the preparation of the child
for procedures, including those made under a
general anesthesia, 9 and the integration
The management of anticipatory anxiety / distress
surrounding the experience of cancerrelated
proceedings. An independent group
from the National Institutes of Health concluded
that there are strong indications
use of hypnosis to relieve pain associated years
with cancer.10 A number of published systematic
reviews highlight the benefits of hypnosis
in acute and chronic pain and cancer-pain.11 -14
However, the mechanisms of how hypnosis
works is not fully understood. Hypnosis is
a process where one person (the subject) is
guided by another (the hypnotherapist) to meet
proposals for changes in subjective
experience, such as perception, sensation,
feeling, thought or behavior. Hypnosis Motivation
can be informal, for example, by calling
a point to listen to or participate in a story
or fiction, or standard, such as calling the issue