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Friday, March 18, 2011
Hypnotherapy can work as an effective treatment for
eating disorders because it helps people feel better about
themselves subconsciously. Once people like Monica feel
better about whom they are, they’re more likely to quit
the bulimia, anorexia, or binge eating. When they stop
using food as way to cope with emotional problems, they
start to treat their body in better ways.
Many people are now familiar with the disorder of
anorexia nervosa, which is diagnosed by the criteria of
self-induced weight loss (which may be so severe as to
result in amenorrhoea in female patients) coupled with a
morbid fear of becoming fat and a relentless pursuit of
thinness. Other distinguishing features of the condition
include a denial of the subjective feelings of hunger, a
distortion of body image, and a desire to increase energy
expenditure by elevated physical activity. It is potentially
a fatal disorder, with mortality rates ranging from 5% to
15%, mainly from suicide.
Anorexia nervosa most commonly occurs in middle-class
females, although it has also been reported in males. The
disorder appears generally during adolescence, though it
has been known to begin prior to this period, or even
during adulthood.
In Britain, the incidence in young
women has been estimated to range between 1% and
4%. Many believe that it is a disorder of very recent
origin, however, patients with such a disorder have been