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severity, severity of insomnia, and quality of life. The overall findings suggest that hypnosis may
be efficacious for the trea tment of comorbid pain and insomnia in older adults. Future research
should utilize heterogeneous research methods and analysis of synthesized results in a Pragmatic
Systematically Conducted Review. v
Dedication This dissertation is dedicated to Hermann Hesse (1877-1962), poet, novelist, and
painter, whose personal quest, as reflected in his writings, touched my young soul posthumously
four decades ago and set the course for my own lifelong journey of self-exploration, spiritual
search, and intellectual inquiry. All the insights, noble thoughts, and works of art that the human
race has produced in its creative eras, all that subsequent periods of scholarly study have reduced
to concepts and converted into intellectual property—on all this immense body of intellectual
values the Glass Bead Game player plays like the organist on an organ. - Hermann Hesse, The
Glass Bead Game vi
Acknowledgements First, I wish to acknowledge and thank all of the men and women who
volunteered as participants in this study. I am indeed grateful for their generous commitment of
time. They were truly inspirational. I am indebted to everyone who contributed to the completion
of this work. I sincerely thank Robert Haussmann, Ph.D., who served as my committee chair. Dr.
Haussmann guided me throughout this endeavor from start to finish—always available,
supportive, encouraging, and patient. His dedication and commitment are unsurpassed. I would
also like to thank my committee members, Sandra Pace, Ph.D. and Amy Hecht, Ph.D., for their
critical reviews and editorial suggestions. I especially thank my academic advisor, Annie
Bemkrant, for providing judicious guidance throughout the research and dissertation stages. The
Northcentral University Library staff must also be commended for providing exceptional service.
I wish to thank Normal Cuellar, DSN, RN, whose publication inspired this research topic, for
critiquing the initial concept paper and proposal. The completion of this manuscript has been a
long, arduous process—the culmination of many steps. As I reflect on this journey, I am aware of
the many people who were a part of this endeavor. I am deeply touched by the support so
generously offered by the following individuals: - I am grateful to Bette Jean Rosenhagen,
LCSW and clinical hypnotherapist, for supervising the development of the hypnotic scripts used
in this study. I would also like to thank Amy Hecht, Ph.D. for reviewing the scripts and CDs. vii
I wish to acknowledge the enthusiastic assistance received from the staff of Project FIND and
JASA throughout the recruitment process. Several people volunteered their help with tasks, such
as data validation, coding, and manuscript review: Rich Corridon, Lynn Grossman, and Casey
Rafter. Many others assisted with the distribution of recruitment flyers. With utmost patience and
clarity, Marc Saxton guided me through the basics of audio editing. And when my computer
crashed, Michael McCoy unhesitatingly responded to my 10 PM cry for help, loaned me his
computer, restored mine, and saved my sanity. I would like to express my heartfelt appreciation
to all. I thank my family and friends for understanding the constant time constraints associated
with the demands of doctoral study. They have provided unwavering support. I also thank my
dear friend and academic comrade, Elena Papavero, Ph.D., who has accompanied me through
two graduate degrees. She has been a source of information, encouragement, and solace through
all the ups and downs along the way. Elena has supported this academic journey in ways too
many to enumerate. I am forever grateful. Lastly, I wish to extend my gratitude to Ellen Abell,
Ed.D.—whose belief in me inspired the confidence to embrace this challenge. viii
TABLE OF CONTENTS List of Tables xi List of Figures xiii Chapter 1: Introduction 1
Background 4 Problem Statement 6 Purpose 7 Theoretical Framework 8 Research Questions and
Hypotheses 15 Nature of the Study 18 Significance of the Study 20 Definitions 22 Summary 25
Chapter 2: Review of the Literature 27 Historical Origins of Mind-Body Medicine 27 Mind-
Body Medicine in the 21st-Century 38 Hypnosis: Definition, Theory, Assessment, and Procedure