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higher RSI scores. Such a t rend may indicate that refinement of
the inst rument and further study of the absorpt ion variable is
warranted (Hilgard, 1979).
Suggestibility, as measured by the BSS, was not a significant
predictor of weight loss. This result supports the findings o f
Deyoub (1980) and Wadden and Flaxman (1981), despite a
t rend toward greater weight loss with higher suggestibility
The FAM results indicate that fami ly of origin is not a sig-
nificant predictor of weight loss. It appears that measures of
the qual i ty of fami ly relat ionships need to be supplemented by
measures of how well fami ly issues have been resolved. Many of
the subjects who lost weight repor ted current unresolved issues
such as mar i tal discord, loneliness, or j ob dissatisfaction that
seemed to result in sessions of overeating.
Educat ion level, socioeconomic status, and age of obesi ty on-
set were not significantly related to outcome in this study. It
would appear that age of obesity onset would be more predictive
i f considered in relation to the circumstances accompanying
onset. A number of subjects in this study repor ted weight gain
following chi ldhood hospitalization, parental divorce, leaving
home for post-secondary education, and simi lar life events.
The results of this study provide empi r ical suppor t for the
view that hypnotherapy is a useful t reatment for weight loss
(Mot t & Roberts, 1979), but further research is needed to iden-
tify the most effective hypnosis programs as well as the client
characteristics that are responsive to these programs.
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Received January 10, 1985
Revision received September 4, 1985 •